Monday, October 16, 2017

Destino - Necrons arrive

In mid 10.017M42 Inquisitor Vorushko's worst fears were realised as the loyalist forces in the Destino system, fresh from their victories againts the alliance, made landfall on the innermost rocky planet of the system. Having already established a presence on Destino 4 and a base on Destino 3, Destino 1 looked like a potential site for a space port and major hub at the southern end of the Foramen Interdictum. 

Landing on the world was easy enough, but soon the perimeter of the Imperial guard forces accompanying the explorators and tech adepts came under ferocious assault from the armies of the Necron Xenos. It was unclear which dynasty these necrons belonged to, but despite the imperial guard's best efforts to hunker down into a defensive posture, the aliens eventually gained the upper hand, breaking through the imperial defence perimeter and annihilating the entire landing party. The overall commander of the Destino expedition now had two enemies to be on her guard against, the alliance and the necrons.

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